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America maintains over 40 million acres of lawn,

using over 9 billion gallons of water daily, and taking away valuable habitat for keystone insects and other animal species.


The YARDS for CREATION program aims to work with faith communities to turn some of that lawn

back into vibrant habitat for Creation!

There are 400 native bee species in Maryland.

70% of our bees are ground nesting and threatened by habitat loss.

By converting lawn to meadow habitat, you can do your part

to help preserve these

important species!


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  • Lively Yards: Meadows are habitat for dragonflies, moths, bees, wasps, butterflies, and bats by providing larvae, nectar, and native food sources.

  • Birding: More birds will be present throughout the year due to increased food sources and habitat.

  • Less Disturbance: Reduced fossil fuel, water, and pesticide use, leaving smaller environmental disruptions.

  • Low Maintenance: Mowing is reduced significantly. The meadow only needs to be mowed once a year in April! Take a break!

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Fill out the interest form below or contact Brooke Orr at or 443-234-5587 to get involved

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