How the Bequest Challenge works
The Legacy Circle Bequest Challenge is a campaign that boosts your bequest commitment for the future by helping us earn much-needed challenge grant dollars for use today!
Through the Bequest Challenge, you can maximize the impact of your future bequest and estate plans.
Step 1
Name the Lower Shore Land Trust in your will or living trust or as a beneficiary of your retirement or financial account. New commitments and upgraded previously established bequest plans qualify.
Step 2:
View and print the Bequest Challenge form to fill it out and mail it to our office.
Download and save the Bequest Challenge form to your computer before filling it out electronically and then print, sign, and send by mail or scan and send it to our office via email.
Step 3
The Legacy Bequest Fund will make a gift of $500 right now to Lower Shore Land Trust in your honor. That’s it. It’s that easy!
What Gifts Qualify
Will/Living Trust
IRA/Retirement Account
Charitable Remainder Trust
Bank, Brokerage, or Other Financial Account
Gifts of Land
Your legacy gift will save more land today and far into the future. Thank you!
For more information please contact Matt Heim at 443-234-5587 or